
Open Ended: SFMOMA's Collection, 1900 to Now

Floor 2
Entry to this exhibition is included with general admission.

This presentation of masterworks and experimental pieces from SFMOMA’s collection of painting and sculpture explores themes that have shaped the history of modern art from the early twentieth century to our own time. Organized as a series of chapters, the exhibition focuses on revolutionary ideas, geographical centers, individual artists, and relationships between artists.

Together, the works in Open Ended explore the complexities and even contradictions of modern and contemporary art, suggesting new interpretations of the museum’s collection, and examining the passions and beliefs that have spurred artists’ creativity in a rapidly changing world.

On View

Frieda and Diego Rivera, 1931 - Frida Kahlo
Artwork image, Ruth Asawa Untitled 1958
Artwork image, Henri Matisse's Femme au Chapeau
Frida Kahlo, Frieda and Diego Rivera, 1931; collection SFMOMA, Albert M. Bender Collection, gift of Albert M. Bender; © Banco de Mexico Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Ruth Asawa, Untitled (S.114, Hanging, Six-Lobed Continuous Form within a Form with One Suspended and Two Tied Spheres), ca. 1958; collection SFMOMA, Phyllis C. Wattis Fund for Major Accessions; © Estate of Ruth Asawa; photo: Katherine Du Tiel

Henri Matisse, Femme au chapeau (Woman with a Hat), 1905; collection SFMOMA, bequest of Elise S. Haas; © Succession H. Matisse / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; photo: Ben Blackwell

Georgia O’Keeffe, Lake George [formerly Reflection Seascape], 1922; collection SFMOMA, gift of Charlotte Mack; photo: Ben Blackwell

Artist Interview: Violet Fields

Raised in West Oakland, Violet Fields’s art practice is rooted in her faith. Her abstracted compositions of irregular geometric shapes and lines in pale pastel feature the twin themes of service and spirituality. In this interview with the artist, she shares how lineage and memory move her to create these works of deep personal reflection.

Interview courtesy of Oakland Art Murmurs

Artist Interview: Cheryl R. Riley

Witness the artistic journey of Cheryl R. Riley in this short documentary. Discover how San Francisco has influenced her wide-ranging art practice, from furniture design to jewelry making. And join her as she shares insights into her iconic 1996 work, Zulu Renaissance Writing Table for a Lady, now on view in the Open Ended exhibition at SFMOMA.

Reinstallation of the painting and sculpture collection is supported in part by the Henry Luce Foundation and an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.