“After he takes a job as a taxi driver to cope with chronic insomnia, Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro), ex-Marine with a sporty mohawk, begins to see the dark city as one vast cesspool of crime and concupiscence. Raunchy streets by night, seedy porn theaters by day, and only one bright spot, the angelic Betsy (Cybill Shepherd), a worker for a political campaign. When his angel takes it on the wing, Bickle decides to clean the streets of its depraved human debris.” — BAMPFA
Country: U.S.A.
Language: English
Year: 1976
Running time: 114 min
Format: 35mm
Director: Martin Scorsese
Screenwriter: Paul Schrader
Producers: Phillip M. Goldfarb, Julia Phillips, Michael Phillips
Cinematographer: Michael Chapman
Editors: Tom Rolf, Melvin Shapiro
Source: Swank
Films and schedules may be subject to change.
Modern Cinema’s Founding Supporters are Carla Emil and Rich Silverstein. Generous support is provided by Nion McEvoy and the Susan Wildberg Morgenstein Fund.